Sacred Breath is a powerful healing and awakening modality using a circular breathing pattern to access altered states of consciousness.
Join us in the circle to unveil lost and hidden parts of yourself, and integrate them with the spirit of your breath!
Sacred Breath works on the 4 levels of the human system, integrating trauma holistically (trauma, big or small does not matter, is at the source of all our illnesses and dis-ease).
- On the physical level, deep diaphragmatic breathing allows oxygen to reach our cells and organs, increasing our energy and helping to detoxify and cleanse our bodies.
- On the emotional and mental levels, it helps access unresolved emotions stored in the subconscious mind and process them by accessing inner wisdom.
- On the spiritual level, full, conscious connected breathing helps you connect with ancestors, spirit guides, and other celestial beings.
In the circle,
- You will sit or lie down in a comfortable space
- After looking at your natural breathing pattern, Isa will give clear gentle instructions and guide your breath into a connected rhythm
- Pressure or body mapping may be applied to certain areas of the body to release tension
- Toning and movement might also be used to relax the breath
- You will breathe circularly (diaphragmatic breathing through the mouth) for around 75 minutes
- Then there will be time for deep relaxation bathing in the magical sound waves of crystal singing bowls allowing the process to integrate and complete.
- We will them share our experience in the circle and integrate the experience further by giving it meaning through mental associations.
Please RSVP through email (Isa@circleofthenewearth.com)