A String of Beaded Wisdom
My blog is inspired by the energies moving between the old world, embedded in dual consciousness; and the New Earth, a plane of consciousness where we have by-passed the limitations of the thinking mind.
Holding Sacred Space
Holding space for each other is a healing art that allows us to enter the
Bridging the Soul
When the world is appearing so chaotic, frenetic, and frazzled; when confusion is the modus
The transformation called forth
We live at an auspicious time of transition and global transformation. While the old world
What is the New Earth?
The New Earth is the dimensional frequency of love The New Earth is here, manifesting
What happened? Where are we going?
A long time ago, the human race fell out of its divine blueprint to land
Duality is separation
Western societies are built upon the paradigm of duality by which our mind apprehends reality
Bridging dimensions
There is a tendency in American culture to plug into greatness, and happiness – “all
Healing happens in the 4th dimension opening the door to the fifth
The 4th dimension is defined by linear time where past and future exist on the
When the Dark force lurks at you
Isn’t it so often happening? If we were enlightened, at every moment of our life,
In the we-space, we heal and evolve
What if toxic masculinity (masculine as a principle present in both men and women) was
From slavery to freedom
We, humans, have to reclaim the rights to our planet Earth. A long time ago,
Woman Shaman
In Norse tradition, the Völva is the Woman Shaman, healer and seer. Back in those
The New Earth is upon us!
Different prophecies from around the world told us about the forthcoming time, a new era
Die before you die
Death is our ultimate fear for as long as we identify with the body-mind, the
The Sacred wound of the Heart
In the paradise As we birth on Mama Gaia and receive a body to navigate
The parasite and its medicine
Human consciousness is plagued with a virus, a parasite affecting all of us for so
Isa Vasanti
Midwife of Souls
My blog is inspired by the energies moving between the old world, embedded in dual consciousness; and the New Earth, a plane of consciousness where we have by-passed the limitations of the thinking mind.